Installing kotlin
Installing kotlin

installing kotlin

The SDK is now included with Android Studio.

installing kotlin

The Android Studio Setup Wizard guides you through the rest of the setup, which includes downloading Android SDK components that are required for the development.Select whether you want to import previous Android Studio settings or not, then click OK.To launch Android Studio, open a terminal, navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory, and execute you’re using a 64-bit version of Linux, make sure you first install the required libraries for 64-bit file you downloaded to an appropriate location for your applications, such as within /usr/local/ for your user profile, or /opt/ for shared users. To install Android Studio on Linux, proceed as follows: Scenario: Friday is Friday # hellocucumber/is_it_friday_yet.If you are using a 64-bit Linux system then you need to have certain packages/dependencies installed before installing android studio. Then I should be told "Nope" # Stepdefs.i_should_be_told(String) When I ask whether it 's Friday yet # Stepdefs.i_ask_whether_it_s_Friday_yet() Given today is Sunday # Stepdefs.today_is_Sunday() Scenario: Sunday isn't Friday # hellocucumber/is_it_friday_yet.feature:4 In this case, that means making our method function block function function return Nope:Įverybody wants to know when it 's Friday Let’s do the minimum we need to make the scenario pass. That’s progress! The first two steps are passing, but the last one is failing. 4.0.0 hellocucumber hellocucumber 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT jar io.cucumber cucumber-java 2.3.1 test io.cucumber cucumber-junit 2.3.1 test junit junit 4.12 test kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 $" 'įeatures/is_it_friday_yet.feature:7:in `Then I should be told "Nope"'Ĭucumber features/is_it_friday_yet.feature:4 # Scenario: Sunday is not Friday 1 scenario ( 1 failed ) 3 steps ( 1 failed, 2 passed )

Installing kotlin